Data Protection Declaration of Peregrine Holdings International GmbH

We would like to provide you with the following facts and information on the care that we take to protect your privacy and provide a high level of confidentiality:

Anonymous data collection

As a matter of principle, you can visit our websites without letting us know who you are. We only discover technical data like the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you have come and our websites that you visit, for example. You the user remain completely anonymous during this process. No pseudonym usage profiles are generated.

Insertion of cookies

We use cookies in order to improve the quality of the structure and content of our internet site and in order to allow users to navigate their way around as smoothly as possible. We also use what are known as session cookies, which are restricted to the time of your visit. They are used to record which content you have viewed from your PC while you carry on surfing, and they also play a role in increasing the level of security while people are surfing. Once you leave our website or do not click on it for a while, these short-lived cookies are deleted.

Cookies cannot cause any damage to your PC. They do not pose a risk that is similar to viruses or programs that spy on your PC. You regulate how cookies are handled yourself. Please use the help function on your browser to allow, block, view and delete cookies.